v2.11.0 (5514)

Langues - AN213 : Economics for Engineers

Domaine > Langues vivantes.


To succeed as an engineer, citizen or entrepreneur in today’s world, it is vital to grasp a number of key economic concepts and debates. For instance, it is essential to understand the recent economic crisis, its roots, and the opportunities that could now arise for you as France and other countries navigate away from these troubled waters. Likewise, you will find it useful to have a good grasp of the nature of money: how it is created, what a central bank does, how the euro works, and how financial-engineering concepts like blockchain have been disrupting old models with technology like Bitcoin.


Or take energy policy. Does nuclear power make economic sense, and what about renewables or other environmentally friendly technologies and policies?

Maybe you are trying to decide whether to work in the private or the public sector: is it up to a strategic state to lead the way in economic matters, or should it get out of the way and allow markets to do their work? Perhaps you have a broader interest in government economic policy: what kind of tax system would work best? Should we just tax bad things like pollution? And what about the labour market you will be entering: what might change in France and beyond as you take your first steps?


You will also want to know about the basics of corporate finance, financial markets, and how to make investment decisions. Other topics that we will discuss will include entrepreneurship and the start-up economy, protectionism and free trade, and whether today’s relentless pursuit of economic growth is sustainable.


Your teacher for this course knows the subject well, having worked as a journalist for Bloomberg News and the Wall Street Journal, and having taught it at a number of universities. The instructor will assess students on the basis of a written assignment (in which they will develop their thinking on one of the debates covered in the syllabus), and also on their participation in debates and discussions in class.


Discussing, thinking and writing about these subjects will allow you to develop the sophistication of your English and to shine in professional discussions in engineering and beyond!


Objectifs pédagogiques

The student will be able to :
- understand the principal concrete and abstract ideas in a complex text in English, including technical exchanges in his/ her speciality. 
- communicate fluently and in a spontaneous manner thus allowing regular interaction with native speakers without strain for either one or the other.  
- express themselves clearly and precisely on a wide range of subjects, give his/her opinion on a current issue, explain the advantages and disadvantages for different possibilities.

16.5 heures en présentiel (11 blocs ou créneaux)
réparties en:
  • Petite classe : 16.5

Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

UE de rattachement

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'Ingénieur de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées

Niveau avancé en anglais

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade européen

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Master 1 Mathématiques et Applications - site Palaiseau

Le rattrapage est autorisé (Max entre les deux notes)
  • le rattrapage est obligatoire si :
    Note initiale < 7
  • le rattrapage peut être demandé par l'étudiant si :
    7 ≤ note initiale < 10

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 1

L'UE est évaluée par les étudiants.

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'Ingénieur de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées

Vos modalités d'acquisition :

Grading and Evaluation: Your grade this semester will consist of three elements.
Participation and progress (30%): You will be asked to self-evaluate your personal participation in class activities and your progress in the field of conflict resolution and negotiations. To measure your progress, you will be asked to formally set a goal for yourself during the first few weeks of class. During the last week of classes, you will meet with Elizabeth to present and discuss your self-evaluation. You will also be receiving individualized feedback from her.
Negotiations (40%): You will be evaluated on your preparation and participation in the two-sessions of in-class negotiations, as both a participant and observer.
Critical Reflection Report (40%): You will be asked to write a 500-word critical reflection report in English (typed) about your experience in the course. You could talk about what you learned; what your future goals might be in the field, the group’s performance as a whole, and the notion of conflict resolution in general. You will be graded solely on the linguistic quality of your report, not on its content.

Le rattrapage est autorisé (Max entre les deux notes écrêté à une note seuil)
  • le rattrapage est obligatoire si :
    Note initiale < 6
  • le rattrapage peut être demandé par l'étudiant si :
    6 ≤ note initiale < 10

Le coefficient de l'UE est : 1

L'UE est évaluée par les étudiants.

Programme détaillé


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