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Master - Master 2 Acoustical Engineering


The Acoustical Engineering curriculum in the Master of Mechanics at Paris-Saclay offers French and international students the scientific knowledge needed to tackle current acoustical problems, in industrial and academic environments. Courses are focused on fundamental acoustics and acoustical engineering. By means of fundamental and applied research projects, the students have the opportunity to learn about different fields including:

  • structural acoustics and fluid-structure interaction,
  • wave propagation in solids and non-destructive testing,
  • signal processing and signal synthesis in acoustical situations,
  • aeroacoustics and wave propagation in inhomogeneous moving media,
  • experimental techniques and psychoacoustics.

Domaine Université Paris Saclay

Mention Mécanique.

niveau requis

Admission to the Masters program at the M2 level is open to students with at least 4 years of higher education studies in  Mechanics, Physics, Electrical Engineering or Applied Mathematics from an internationally recognized University.

compétences acquises

The objective of the Acoustical Engineering curriculum is to provide students with the ability of analyzing an acoustical problem, whether academic or industrial, finding the relevant bibliographical sources and identifying the methods that will yield solutions or answers. Specifically, students will be able to associate several viewpoints: physical and mechanical modeling (experimental, theoretical and numerical aspects) with signal processing and perceptual perspectives or needs. In view of the research activities in the Saclay area, an emphasis is put on the industrial situations (noise, control) and on the sounds created and listened to by people


Acoustics is a multidisciplinary field at the borders between Mechanics, Signal Processing, Cognitive Sciences and Biology. Typical jobs for the graduates of this curriculum are R&D engineer-positions in companies or research centers and PhDs in Acoustics. The main fields of application are the transportation industry (ground, air and maritime transportation), energy production and transformation, urbanism and architecture, communication, and imaging in geosciences, structural health monitoring and biology.


Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Credit Ects Volume horaire Responsables Periode de programmation Site pédagogique
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