v2.11.0 (5687)

Enseignement spécifique des masters - AE-03 : Techniques Numériques en Acoustique


The objective of this course is to introduce students to scientific computing and numerical methods, which are increasingly used to simulate acoustic phenomena. Indeed, many software tools are now available on standard computing machines (desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone) and provide results in various areas of acoustics (vibration, urban planning, music, etc.). .). Given the profusion of these tools and their use, this course has a dual purpose: to train students in digital implementation, but also learn the limits of a "numerical experimentation".

Objectifs pédagogiques


train students in digital implementation of classical methods of scientific computing

realize a numerical implementation to solve a problem in relative autonomy (framed project)

30 heures en présentiel (10 blocs ou créneaux)
réparties en:
  • Petite classe : 18
  • Cours magistral : 12

effectifs minimal / maximal:


Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

Domaine Université Paris Saclay

Mention Mécanique.

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Master 2 Acoustical Engineering

Elements of computer programing, elements of digital signal processing, interest for speech processing and/or computer music

Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade européen

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'Ingénieur de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées

Le rattrapage est autorisé

    Pour les étudiants du diplôme Master 2 Acoustical Engineering

    Vos modalités d'acquisition :

    Project and oral exam

    Le rattrapage est autorisé (Note de rattrapage conservée)
    • le rattrapage est obligatoire si :
      Note initiale < 7
    L'UE est acquise si Note finale >= 10
    • Crédits ECTS acquis : 3 ECTS

    Le coefficient de l'UE est : 3

    La note obtenue rentre dans le calcul de votre GPA.

    L'UE est évaluée par les étudiants.

    Programme détaillé

    This EU will unfold in two parts. The first part will take the form of a course / practical works/ TP, with the objective is to introduce the basics of scientific computing. Classical methods, such as finite differences, finite elements, finite volumes or ray-tracing will be detailed, and will be the subject of a numerical implementation by each student. In a second part, the students will group together in pairs and will have to choose a project from a pre-established list. They will then work in a relative autonomy (framed project) to realize a numerical implementation of their project, which will be the subject of an evaluation (report & defense).

    Mots clés

    scientific computing, finite differences, finite elements, finite volumes, ray-tracing
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