Diplômes concernés
Modalités d'acquisition
Un bloc est validé si la moyenne pour ce bloc est >= 10.00 et qu'aucune note n'est inférieure à 7.00
Si, à l'intérieur d'un bloc, une (ou plusieurs) note est inférieure à 7.00 alors il ne peut plus y avoir de compensation et toutes les notes < 10.00 doivent être repassées en seconde session.
Composition du parcours
- M2ENERG-BLOC 1 M2 ERNERGY - Bloc 1 : Bio, Chem, Process
- X-CHI661C Chemical storage of energy
- X-CHI661L Renewable thermal energies
- CHE_5EN01_TA Carburants d'aujourd'hui et de demain
- CHE_5EN03_TA Combustion et production des énergies
- CHE_5EN04_TA Stockage de l'énergie
- CHE_5EN07_TA Optimisation des procédés de production d'énergie
- CHE_5EN08_TA Traitement des effluents des industries énergétiques
- ENRJ410 Combustion for energy production
- M2ENERG-BLOC 2 M2 ENERGY - Bloc 2 : Mechanics
- X-MEC655B Greenhouse gases challenges & observation
- MEC_5EO04_TA Sea states, wave propagation, and ocean wave energy
- X-MEC666 Climate change and energy transition
- X-MEC662F Wind power
- MEC_5EN2B_TA Energies 0 carbone - Filières renouvelables
- X-MEC667 CO2 Emission Reduction : Substitution Paths, Negative CO2 Emission and CCUS
- MEC_5EO03_TA Marine renewable energies
- X-MEC668 Geological Storage of Energy and Wastes
- X-MEC655C Introduction to the atmospheric composition
- MEC_53455_EP Introduction à la composition atmosphérique : Des processus aux modèles et à la réglementation de la qualité de l’air
- M2ENERG-BLOC 3 M2 ENERGY - Bloc 3 : Physics
- X-PHY558B Physics and engineering of photovoltaic devices
- X-PHY652B Organic-based materials for the 3rd generation of solar cells
- X-PHY661A Thin film photovoltaics
- X-PHY661B PV technology in industry
- X-PHY661I Smart grids for renewable energy
- PHY_5EN10_TA Physique pour le photovoltaïque
- X-PHY661K Advanced Experimental Smart Grid
- X-PHY556 Python for Beginners
- X-PHY589 Laboratory Course in Photovoltaics
- X-PHY571 Physique numérique
- M2ENERG-BLOC 4 M2 ENERGY - Bloc 4 : Maths, Info, Network
- CSC_5IA06_TA Apprentissage profond
- ENRJ308 Network security & privacy
- ENRJ309 Renforcement dans les réseaux
- ENRJ503 IoT platforms and applications
- APM_5EN5A _TA Optimisation continue
- APM_5EN5B _TA Optimisation discrète
- APM_5EN06_TA Projet d'optimisation en énergie
- CSC_5RO08_TA MBSE et système de systèmes
- CCH_5EN40_TA Policy and prospectives for energies
- M2ENERG-BLOC 5 M2 ENERGY - Bloc 5 : Eco, Management
- IME_5EN09_TA Développement durable
- X-MIE669 Designing Projects and Managing Operations in the Energy Industry
- X-ECO567A Energy economics with a geography focus
- X-MIE569 Sustainable Strategy and Business Models
- STNRJ313 Introduction to Marketing and Strategy
- STNRJ211 Managing sustainable innovation
- ENRJ416 A collective management project
- M2ENERG-Bloc 6 M2 Energy - Cours de substitution Polytechnique
- PHY581B Spintronics
- PHY564C Optoelectronics
- PHY511A Materials Design Project
- PHY564A Open Electronics: from Arduino and Raspberry Pi to the Internet of Things
- X-PHY551B Atomic and Molecular Physics
- PHY567 Physics of semiconducting devices
- X-PHY558B Physics and engineering of photovoltaic devices
- X-PHY559B Power electrical engineering for renewable energy
- M2ENERG-BLOC 7 M2 Energy - Cours Auditeur Libre
- X-PHY652B Organic-based materials for the 3rd generation of solar cells
- X-CHI661C Chemical storage of energy
- X-BIO653 Nature-based solutions to substitue fossile resources and address global change
- X-MEC655B Greenhouse gases challenges & observation
- X-MEC662F Wind power
- ENRJ307 Gestion des risques de l'énergie
- ENRJ308 Network security & privacy
- ENRJ309 Renforcement dans les réseaux
- X-MEC666 Climate change and energy transition
- X-PHY661A Thin film photovoltaics
- X-PHY661B PV technology in industry
- X-CHI661L Renewable thermal energies
- X-ECO659 Environmental economics 2
- X-ECO567A Energy economics with a geography focus
- ENRJ407 Analyse économique des secteurs énergétiques
- X-PHY661I Smart grids for renewable energy
- X-PHY661K Advanced Experimental Smart Grid
- X-MEC667 CO2 Emission Reduction : Substitution Paths, Negative CO2 Emission and CCUS
- X-MIE669 Designing Projects and Managing Operations in the Energy Industry
- STNRJ209 Projects on Solar and Wind Energy: Resource and Performance Analysis
- X-PHY589 Laboratory Course in Photovoltaics
- M2ENERG-PHD Cours hors cursus PHD Track
- ECO563 Financial Markets
- MEC557 Machine learning for climate and energy
- X-INF554 Machine learning I
- M2ENERG-PROJ Projet de recherche